We specialise in providing treatment and support for adolescents and adults who face difficulties with eating disorders or disordered eating. We use evidence-based and best practice treatment, which above all values compassion and respect.
Nourish Nurture Blossom's Catherine (Cate) Borland is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Nutritionist and Credentialed Eating Disorder Dietitian. Cate believes in providing a safe, non-judgemental space where you'll find education and compassionate support on your journey to wellness.
Cate is committed to working collaboratively with medical and other health professionals to ensure you feel supported and that both your medical and mental health needs are looked after.
We offer a safe and inviting space for you to work on any or all of your issues, and your relationship with food and your body.
Individual sessions are offered weekly, fortnightly or monthly, with our experienced and compassionate clinician, who will tailor your treatment to meet your specific needs and goals. Cate will work collaboratively with you to get the most out of your therapy.
Common problems we work with include:
Get to the bottom of why, what and how you eat. Our experienced clinician will help you get in touch with your body's appetite signals and take the stress out of eating.
Develop a more peaceful relationship with food and let go of eating practices dictated by 'food rules'. Explore a more intuitive approach to eating!
Treatment through Nourish Nurture Blossom uses the Health At Every Size (HAES) approach.
HAES treatment celebrates size diversity and promotes behaviour that is focused on achieving health that is weight neutral. When you feel better within yourself, you'll find it easier to engage in healthy behaviours and feel more motivated to care for your body.
BScNutr&ExSc; MScDiet&ExRehab(Dist)
Nourish Nurture Blossom offers you holistic support for disordered eating and eating disorder recovery.
Please book your appointment based on the location you wish to attend.
Use the online booking link below or feel free to call or email Cate to secure your time. Virtual appointments on Mondays can only be made by calling or emailing Cate.
Cate is available for in-person appointments at our Tuggerah location on Tuesday and Wednesday each week.
Cate is available for in-person appointments at our Hamilton location on Friday each week.
Virtual (Zoom) appointments are available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday each week.
For general inquiries, please call 0458 441 898
Feel free to fax any documents to 02 4311 2662
Or email on catherine@nourishnurtureblossom.com.au
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